1 And it came about while Rav Apollos was in Corinth that Rav Sha'ul traveled through the upper regions and arrived at Ephesus, finding some of [Moshiach's] talmidim there.
2 And Rav Sha'ul said to them, "Did you receive the Ruach Hakodesh when you came to emunah?" But they said to Rav Sha'ul, "But we never heard that there is a Ruach Hakodesh!"
3 And Rav Sha'ul said, "Into what then were you given tevilah?" And they said, "Into the tevilah of Yochanan."
4 And Rav Sha'ul said, "Yochanan gave a tevilah of teshuva to the people, saying that they should have emunah in Hu HaBah [Moshiach], the one coming after him, that is, in Yehoshua." [Lk 3:16]
5 And having heard this, they were given Moshiach's tevilah of teshuva in haShem of the Moshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua.
6 And when Rav Sha'ul placed his hands upon them, the Ruach Hakodesh came upon them, and they were speaking in leshonot and they were speaking dvarim hanevu'ah.
7 And the anashim were about sheneym asar in number.