24 For a certain one, Demetrius by name, a silversmith and maker of silver idol shrines for Artemis, was providing no small revach (profit) for the craftsmen.
25 Demetrius also assembled the craftsmen occupied with that trade and he said, "Anashim, you have da'as that our prosperity is from this trade,
26 "And you see and hear that not only here in Ephesus but in almost all of Asia this Rav Sha'ul has persuaded and drawn away a large multitude saying, 'Elilim made with human hands are not Elohim.' [Dt 4:28; Ps 115:4; Isa 44:10-20; Jer 10:3-5]
27 "And this is not only a danger to us, that our part, our trade, will fall into disrepute, but also the temple of the elah hagedolah Artemis may be considered as nothing, and also may be about to suffer the loss of her majesty, which all Asia and the Olam Hazeh worship."
28 And having listened and having become full of ka'as, the idol makers were crying out, saying, "Gedolah is Artemis of the Ephesians!"
29 And the city was filled with tohu, and they rushed with one impulse into the theater, having seized Gaius and Aristarchus, who were Macedonians and traveling fellow po'alim of Rav Sha'ul.
30 And Rav Sha'ul desired to enter into the crowd in the theater, but the talmidim were not allowing him.