32 Then some began shouting one thing, some another, in the theater, for the kahal was in confusion, and most had no da'as of the purpose of the kahal (assembly).
33 And from the multitude Alexander was pushed forward by Yehudim and some prompted him with shouts, while Alexander waved his hand, wanting to defend himself to the kahal.
34 But having known what the man was, that he was a Yehudi, all in the theater shouted in unison for lav davka two hours crying out, "Gedolah is Artemis of the Ephesians."
35 And the town clerk, when he had restrained the crowd, said, "Anashim, citizens of Ephesus, who indeed is there among Bnei Adam who does not have da'as that the city of Ephesus is the guardian of the temple of the great Artemis and of the tzelem (image) that fell from Shomayim?
36 "Since these things are undeniable, it is necessary for you to calm down and to do nothing reckless.
37 "For you brought these anashim here who are neither temple robbers nor speakers of evil against our religion.
38 "Therefore, if Demetrius and the craftsmen with him have a tainah (grievance) against anyone, the civil courts are in session and there are proconsuls. Let it be there that they bring charges against one another.