6 And when Rav Sha'ul placed his hands upon them, the Ruach Hakodesh came upon them, and they were speaking in leshonot and they were speaking dvarim hanevu'ah.
7 And the anashim were about sheneym asar in number.
8 And having joined the minyan at the shul, Rav Sha'ul was speaking with ometz lev during the course of shloshah chodashim, debating and persuading concerning the things of the Malchut Hashem.
9 But when some unbelievers in the shul were being hardened and were disobeying, speaking Chillul Hashem of the Derech Hashem before the multitude, Rav Sha'ul withdrew from them. Rav Sha'ul took the Moshiach's talmidim and yom yom was saying shiurim in the [Messianic] yeshiva of Tyrannus.
10 And this happened over a period of two years with the intended result that all the ones inhabiting [the Roman Province of] Asia heard the dvar Hashem, both Yehudim and Yevanim.
11 And gevaltike moftim and niflaot Hashem effected at the hands of Rav Sha'ul,
12 so that when a handkerchief or an apron touched the skin of Rav Sha'ul and was brought to the cholim, the machlot (sicknesses) and the shedim (demons) left them.