Gevurot 2:37-43 OJB

37 And when they heard this, they were pierced with conviction in their levavot, and they said to Kefa and to the other of Moshiach's Shlichim, "Achim, what shall we do?"

38 And Kefa said to them, "Make teshuva (repentance, turning from chet to Hashem) and each of you submit to a tevilah of teshuva in the Shem of Yehoshua HaMoshiach, for the selichat avon of you, and you will receive the matanah of the Ruach Hakodesh.

39 "For to you is the havtachah and to your yeladim and to all the ones at a distance, as many as may YIKRA B'SHEM ADONOI ELOHEINU." [YOEL 3:5; 2:28; YESHAYAH 44:3; 65:23; 57:19]

40 And with many other dvarim, Kefa gave solemn edut (testimony) and was warning them, "Receive yeshu'at Eloheinu from this DOR IKKESH U'FETALTOL (warped and crooked generation)!" DEVARIM 32:5]

41 Those, who were mekabel Besuras HaGeulah and welcomed his dvar, submitted to a tevilah of teshuva and there were added in that day nefashot (souls) beerech (approximately, dacht zich) shloshet alafim (three thousand).

42 And they were keseder (constantly) shtark (steadfastly) devoting themselves to the Moshiach's pnimiyus (innermost) Torah as handed on by Moshiach's Shlichim (emmisaries of the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach) and to being mishtatef (involved, joining) in the Messianic Chavurah (fellowship, company, group, especially one eating the paschal lamb together) and to the tishen (shared meals) with Betzi'at HaLechem (Breaking Bread) at the Seudos Moshiach and to the Tefillos.

43 All were filled with yirat Shomayim and mishpoyel (awe), and many moftim and otot through Moshiach's Shlichim were taking place.