Hisgalus 11:13-19 OJB

13 And in that hour occurred a great earthquake and the tenth part of the city fell and there were killed in the earthquake shivat alafim (seven thousand) , and the rest became afraid and gave kavod (glory) to Elohei HaShomayim.

14 The second woe passed. Hinei, the third woe is coming quickly.

15 And the malach hashevi'i (the seventh angel) sounded his shofar. And there were kolot gedolim (loud voices) in Shomayim, saying, "The Malchut of the Olam Hazeh became the Malchut of Adoneinu and of His Moshiach, and He will reign l'Olemei Olamim. [Ps 145:13; Dan 2:44; 7:14,27; Mic 4:7; Zech 14:9]

16 And the esrim v'arba'ah Zekenim (twenty-four Elders, SHEMOT 12:21), sitting on their kisot before Hashem, fell on their faces and worshiped Hashem,

17 Saying, "Modim Anachnu (We give thanks), Adonoi Elokeinu, El Shaddai, the One who is and the One who was, because you have taken your oz gadol (great power) and reigned. [TEHILLIM 30:12]

18 And the Goyim (Nations) raged. And your charon af (burning wrath) came, and the zman (time) for the Mesim to be judged and for giving the sachar (reward) to your avadim (servants), the nevi'im (prophets) and the Kadoshim and the ones fearing ha-Shem of you, the ketanim (small) and the gedolim (great), and for destroying the ones destroying ha'aretz (the earth). [TEHILLIM 2:1]

19 And the Heikhal of Hashem was opened in Shomayim, and the Aron HaBrit (Ark of the Covenant) of Hashem was seen in the Heikhal of Hashem. And there were flashes of lightning and kolot (sounds) and thunders and an earthquake and great barad (hail). [Ex 25:10 22; 2Ch 5:7]