Hisgalus 12:9-15 OJB

9 And the great Dragon, that NACHASH HaKadmoni (Ancient Serpent) was thrown down, the one being called the Malshin (Informer, Accuser) and Hasatan, the one deceiving the whole inhabited world. He was thrown to ha'aretz (the earth) and the malachim of him were thrown down with him [BERESHIS 3:1-7]

10 And I heard a kol gadol (loud voice) in Shomayim, saying, "Now has come the Yeshu'at Eloheinu and the Gevurah (Power) and the Malchut of Hashem Eloheinu and the memshalah (government) of his Moshiach, because the Malshin who is the accuser of our Achim b'Moshiach, the one accusing them before Hashem yomam valailah (day and night) was thrown down [IYOV 1:9-11; ZECHARYAH 3:1]

11 And they won the nitzachon (victory) over the Dragon NACHASH because of the dahm of the SEH (Lamb, SHEMOT 12:22-23; YESHAYAH 53:7, Moshiach) and because of the dvar of the eidushaft (testimony) of them and because they did not have ahavah for their neshamot unto Mavet and were willing to die al kiddush ha-Shem.

12 Therefore be glad, Shomayim, and the ones whose mishkan is there, but oy to ha'aretz (the earth) and to hayam (the sea), because Hasatan came down to you, having great ka'as (anger), having da'as that his time is short. [TEHILLIM 96:11; YESHAYAH 44:23; 49:13]

13 And when the Dragon NACHASH saw that he was thrown down to ha'aretz, he brought redifah (persecution) on the ISHA who gave birth to the zachar.

14 And two wings of the Nesher hagadol (great Eagle) were given to the ISHA that she might fly to her place in the midbar, where she is nourished there for a time and times and half a time, away from the presence of the NACHASH (Serpent) . [SHEMOT 19:4; DANIEL 7:25; 12:7]

15 And the NACHASH spewed mayim (water) after the ISHA from its mouth as a river, that he might make her carried away by a river.