Hisgalus 14:1-7 OJB

1 And I looked, and, hinei, the SEH (Lamb, SHEMOT 12:3; YESHAYAH 53:7 Moshiach) having taken his stand on Mount Tziyon and with him the 144,000 having ha-Shem of him and ha-Shem of HaAv of him which had been written on their metsakhim (foreheads). [YECHEZKEL 9:4]

2 And I heard a sound out of Shomayim as a sound of mayim rabbim (many waters) and as a sound of ra'am gadol (loud thunder), and the sound which I heard was as of players of the nevel playing on their nevalim (harps).

3 And they sing, as it were, a Shir Chadash (New Song) before the Kes (Throne) and before the Arbah Chayyot (four living beings) and before the Zekenim (Elders, Ex 12:21), and no one was being able to learn the Shir (Song) except the 144,000, the ones for whom the Geulah price had been paid for their redemption [Lv 5:5-6; Ex 13:13], the ones having been redeemed (purchased) from ha'aretz (the earth).

4 These are those who with nashim (women) are not tameh (unclean, defiled), bochrim ki betullim they are, for these are the ones following the SEH (Lamb, SHEMOT 12:3; YESHAYAH 53:7 Moshiach) wherever he goes. These chasidim had the Geulah price paid for their redemption [VAYIKRA 25:50, 51; YESHAYAH 61:2], the ones having been purchased from Bnei Adam as the bikkurim (firstfruits) to Hashem and to the SEH (Lamb, YESHAYAH 53:7). [YIRMEYAH 2:3]

5 And in the peh of them was not found MIRMAH (deceit, YESHAYAH 53:9); they are without mumim (defects). [TEHILLIM 32:2; ZEFANYAH 3:13]

6 And I saw another malach (angel) flying midair in Shomayim, having the eternal Besuras HaGeulah to proclaim to the ones sitting on ha'aretz (the earth) and to every goy (nation) and shevet (tribe) and lashon (language) and am (people),

7 Saying in a kol gadol (loud voice), "Have yirat Shomayim toward Hashem and give Him kavod (glory), because the hour of His Yom HaMishpat has come. And worship Him, HaBoreh HaShomayim v'HaAretz (the creator of Heaven and Earth) and Yam (Sea) and ma'ayanot (springs, sources) of mayim. [TEHILLIM 34:9]