Hisgalus 16:12-18 OJB

12 And hashishi (the sixth [malach]) poured out his ke'ara (bowl) on the nahar hagadol (the great river), the Euphrates, and the mayim (water) of it was dried up, that the derech (way) of the melachim (kings) from the rising of the shemesh (sun) might be prepared. [Isa 11:15,16; 41:2; 46:11]

13 And I saw coming out of the PEH (mouth) of the Dragon NACHASH and out of the PEH of the Chayyah (Beast, Anti-Moshiach) and out of the PEH of the Navi Sheker (False Prophet) shalosh ruchot teme'ot (three unclean spirits) like tzfarde'im (frogs), [SHEMOT 8:6]

14 For they are ruchot (spirits) of shedim (demons) performing otot (miraculous signs), which go forth to the melachim (kings) of kol ha'aretz (all the earth) to gather them to the sadeh krav (battlefield) of the Yom HaGadol (Great Day) of Hashem Adonoi Tzva'ot.

15 Hinei, I am coming as unexpectantly as a ganav. Ashrey is the one watching and keeping his kittel, lest he walk naked and they see his bushah (shame).

16 And they assembled them into the place being called in Ivrit, Har Megiddo. [Ex 5:19; 2Kgs 23:29,30; Zech 12:11]

17 And hashevi'i (malach [angel]) poured out his ke'ara (bowl) on the air, and there came a kol gadol (loud voice) out of the Heikhal from the Kes (Throne) saying, "It is a thing of derfilung (fulfillment), it is finished!"

18 And there were flashes of lightning and sounds and re'amim (thunder), and a horrendous earthquake occurred such as never did occur vi-bahlt (since) Bnei Adam were on ha'aretz (the earth), so mighty an earthquake, so violent. [DANIEL 12:1]