Hisgalus 2:17-23 OJB

17 The one having an ear let him hear what the Ruach Hakodesh says to the Kehillot. To the one who wins the nitzachon (victory), I will give him some of the Manna having been nistar (hidden), and I will give him an even levanah (a white stone) and upon it a Shem Chadash (New Name), of which no one has da'as, except the one receiving it. [TEHILLIM 78:24; YESHAYAH 62:2; 65:15; 56:5]

18 And to the malach of the Kehillah in Thyatira, write: These things says the Ben HaElohim, the One having his eynayim (eyes) like a flame of eish (fire), [DANIEL 7:9] and the feet of him like burnished bronze: [DANIEL 10:6]

19 I have da'as of your ma'asim (deeds) and the ahavah and the emunah and the tzedek [DANIEL 9:25] and the savlanut (patient endurance) of you, and that your ma'asim ha'acharonim are more than harishonim of you.

20 But I have this against you, that you are being permissive toward that isha Izevel (Jezebel), the one calling herself a nevi'ah (prophetess) who teaches and deceives my avadim to commit zenut and to eat okhel (food) sacrificed to elilim (idols). [MELACHIM ALEF 16:31; 21:25; MELACHIM BAIS 9:7-22; BAMIDBAR 25:1-2]

21 And I gave her time that she might make teshuva and she does not wish to make teshuva of her zenut. [MELACHIM ALEF 16:31; MELACHIM BAIS 9:22; BAMIDBAR 25:1-2]

22 Hinei, I am throwing her into a bed of suffering, and the ones committing ni'uf (adultery) with her into Tzarah Gedolah (Great Tribulation, Mt. 24:21), unless they make teshuva of her ma'asim (deeds).

23 And her yeladim (children, those who become like her in her doctrine) I will kill with Mavet, and all the kehillot will have da'as that I am the One searching their musar klayot valev (pangs of conscience and heart), and I will give to you, each one, according to what you have done. [TEHILLIM 7:9; 62:12; 139:1; 2:23; MISHLE 21:2; 24:12; YIRMEYAH 11:20; 17:10; SHMUEL ALEF 16:7; MELACHIM ALEF 8:39]