11 The Nevi'im were searching for what zman (time) or what context of occasion the Ruach of Moshiach in them was pointing to, when predicting the Chevlei Moshiach and HaKavod to follow.
12 The hisgalus (revelation) came to the Nevi'im that the avodas hakodesh ministry they were rendering was not to themselves, but to you, when they spoke of the things announced to you through the Mevaserim (Messianic Darshanim, Maggidim) of the Besuras HaGeulah by the Ruach Hakodesh sent from Shomayim, the very things even malachim desire to look into.
13 Therefore, tighten the "readiness" gartel of your mind, a mind that is one of kibush hayetzer (self-control). Set your tikvah completely on the Chen v'Chesed Hashem that is being brought to you at the Hisgalus (Revelation, Apocalypse) of Moshiach Yehoshua.
14 As Bnei Mishma'at (Children of Obedience 1:2), not conforming yourselves to your former ta'avot (lusts), when you lacked da'as (personal, saving knowledge),
15 But, als (since) the One who bestows on you the kri'ah (calling) is KADOSH HU (TEHILLIM 99:5), so also yourselves become Kadoshim in hitnahagut (conduct),
16 Because it says in the Torah, KEDOSHIM TIH'YU KI KADOSH ANI ("You must be holy ones for I am holy" VAYIKRA 19:2).
17 And if you call upon as "Avinu" [Mt.6:9] the One who is the impartial Shofet (Shofet kol ha'aretz) of each man L'ISH K'MA'ASEIHU ("To each according to his deeds" TEHILLIM 62:13), then conduct yourself with yirat Shomayim during your time in the Golus of the Olam Hazeh,