4 We have also been born anew to a nachalah (inheritance [3:9]) that is without shachat (corruption, decay Ps 16:10), undefiled and unfading, having been preserved in Shomayim for you,
5 The ones by the koach of Hashem being guarded through Emunah (Faith) for Yeshu'at Eloheinu (the Salvation of our G-d), which is ready to be revealed at the Ketz Hayamim (End of Days).
6 In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer in various masot (trials, temptations [4:12]),
7 That the genuineness of your Emunah, much more valuable than gold which though perishable is tested by Eish (Fire), may be found to the tehillah (praise) and the kavod (glory) and the tiferet (splendor) at the Hisgalus (Revelation, Apocalypse) of Moshiach Yehoshua.
8 He is the one for whom you have ahavah, even though you have not seen him. Though you do not now see him, you have emunah in him [as Moshiach] and rejoice with simcha inexpressible and full of kavod,
9 Obtaining the maskana (outcome) of your Emunah, the Yeshu'at Eloheynu of your nefashot (souls).
10 The Nevi'im, who prophesied of the Chen v'Chesed Hashem that was to come to you, searched and inquired about this Yeshu'at Eloheynu.