11 Now, these things happened to those ones as moftim (examples), but it was written for our admonition, to whom the Kitzei HaOlamim has come.
12 So then the one that presupposes that he stands, let him take care lest he fall.
13 No nissayon (temptation) has overtaken you, except that which is common to Bnei Adam, but, Hashem is ne'eman (faithful) (DEVARIM 7:9), who will not let you to be brought into nissayon beyond what you are able, but will make with the nissayon also the derech (Tzaddikim TEHILLIM 1:6) as a way out for you to be able to endure.
14 Therefore, my chaverim, flee from avodah zarah.
15 I speak as to thinking men; you judge what I say.
16 The Kos HaBracha (Cup of Blessing) over which we say the Bracha, is it not a [Mizbe'ach] sharing and deveykus participation in the Korban Pesach death and kapporah of Moshiach? The matzoh which we break, is this not a sharing and a deveykus participation in the Guf HaMoshiach?
17 Because the matzoh is echad, we, many as we are, are one body, one new humanity, for we all partake of the matzoh echad.