14 Therefore, my chaverim, flee from avodah zarah.
15 I speak as to thinking men; you judge what I say.
16 The Kos HaBracha (Cup of Blessing) over which we say the Bracha, is it not a [Mizbe'ach] sharing and deveykus participation in the Korban Pesach death and kapporah of Moshiach? The matzoh which we break, is this not a sharing and a deveykus participation in the Guf HaMoshiach?
17 Because the matzoh is echad, we, many as we are, are one body, one new humanity, for we all partake of the matzoh echad.
18 Observe Yisroel according to the basar. Are not the ones eating the korbanot (sacrifices) partakers of the Mizbe'ach (altar VAYIKRA 7:6, 14, 15)?
19 What then am I saying? That a sacrifice to an elil (idol) is anything or that an idol is anything?
20 No, the things which they sacrifice, YIZB'CHU LASHEDIM LO ELOHIM ("They sacrificed to demons which were not G-d" DEVARIM 32:17; TEHILLIM 106:37). Now I do not want you to become sharers with the shedim (demons). [VAYIKRA 17:7; DEVARIM 32:17; TEHILLIM 106:37]