Kehilah In Corinth 2 1:3-9 OJB

3 Baruch hu Hashem Elohim Avi of Adoneinu Yehoshua, Avi HaRachamim vaElohei kol nechamah (comfort), [TEHILLIM 103:13; YESHAYAH 66:13]

4 The one giving us chizzuk (strengthening) with respect to all our tzoros so as to enable us to give chizzuk to the ones experiencing tzoros, and that through the nechamah (comfort) by which we ourselves are comforted (1:3) by Hashem. [YESHAYAH 49:13; 51:12; 66:13]

5 This is so because as the Chevlei Moshiach (birth pangs of Moshiach) abound to us, so through Moshiach abounds also our nechamah (1:3; YESHAYAH 51:12). [TEHILLIM 34:19; 94:19]

6 Now if we are experiencing tzoros, it is for your chizzuk (strengthening) and Yeshu'at Eloheinu; or if we are being given nechamah (comfort), it is for your nechamah that is producing in you the chozek (strength) of zitzfleisch (patience) for the endurance of the tzoros which we also suffer. [1Th 3:3]

7 And our tikvah (hope) for you is well-founded, for we have da'as that as you have deveykus (cleaving to) the Chevlei Moshiach, so also you will have deveykus to the nechamah.

8 For we do not want you to lack da'as, Achim b'Moshiach, as to the tzoros and tribulation that came upon us in Asia [Ac 19:23; 1C 15:32], that utterly beyond our strength we were burdened, causing us to come to a feeling of ye'ush (despair) even of being able to stay alive.

9 But we ourselves have had the gezar din (verdict) of mishpat mavet (a death sentence) in ourselves so that we should not have emunah (faith) in ourselves but in Hashem, Mechayyei Mesim (Who Revivest the Dead). [Shemoneh Esreh, YIRMEYAH 17:5,7]