Kehilah In Corinth 2 1:7-13 OJB

7 And our tikvah (hope) for you is well-founded, for we have da'as that as you have deveykus (cleaving to) the Chevlei Moshiach, so also you will have deveykus to the nechamah.

8 For we do not want you to lack da'as, Achim b'Moshiach, as to the tzoros and tribulation that came upon us in Asia [Ac 19:23; 1C 15:32], that utterly beyond our strength we were burdened, causing us to come to a feeling of ye'ush (despair) even of being able to stay alive.

9 But we ourselves have had the gezar din (verdict) of mishpat mavet (a death sentence) in ourselves so that we should not have emunah (faith) in ourselves but in Hashem, Mechayyei Mesim (Who Revivest the Dead). [Shemoneh Esreh, YIRMEYAH 17:5,7]

10 The same G-d out of so great a Mavet delivered us and will continue to deliver us. We have set tikvateinu (our hope) that he will yet deliver us, [2 Ti 4:18]

11 As you also labor together for us by techinnah (supplication), so that the "Modeh Ani" for us will be said by the many (YESHAYAH 53:11-12) for the matanah (gift) granted us through the tefillos of the many.

12 For our glorying is in this: the edut (testimony) of our matzpun (conscience) [MJ 13:18] is that without remiyah (guile, fraud, deceit) and with lev tahor ("pure heart" TEHILLIM 51:12) with the sincerity of Hashem [2C 2:17] and not in the "chochmah" of the basar [1C 1:17] but in the Chen v'Chesed of Hashem, we conducted ourselves in the Olam Hazeh, and more especially toward you.

13 For we write nothing so shver (complex) to you that you cannot read and have binah (understanding), and I have tikvah that you will have da'as shlemah until HaKetz,