Kehilah In Galatia 1:4-10 OJB

4 The one having made a matnat Elohim of himself, on behalf of chattoteynu (our sins), so that he might rescue us out of the Olam Hazeh [Yom Tzarah], this age, this present evil age, according to the ratzon Hashem (will of G-d), even Avinu,

5 Lo hakavod l'olmei olamim. Omein.

6 I am shocked that so quickly you are being turned from the One who granted you the kri'ah (calling), summoning you by the Chen v'Chesed Hashem of Moshiach. I am shocked that so quickly you are being turned from this to a different "Besuras HaGeulah."

7 Not that there is another, mind you! Except that there are some individuals disturbing and troubling (5:12) you, desiring to twist and pervert the Besuras HaGeulah (Yeshayah 40:9; 60:6) of Moshiach.

8 But even if we [Shlichim, emissaries of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach] or a malach from Shomayim should pose as maggidim [for Moshiach] and make a hachrazah (proclamation) to you of a "Besuras HaGeulah" other than that Besuras HaGeulah which we preached to you, let such a one be ARUR HAISH ("Cursed is the man," YEHOSHUA 6:26) and set under cherem (ban of destruction) and onesh Gehinnom (damnation).

9 As we have previously said, and now again I say, if any one preaches a "Besuras HaGeulah" to you other than that which you received, let him be ARUR HAISH and be consigned to onesh Gehinnom.

10 Am I now seeking the ishshur (approval) of Bnei Adam? Or the haskama (approval) of Hashem? Or am I seeking to be a man-pleaser? If (and this is not the case) I were still pleasing Bnei Adam, I would not have been the eved of Moshiach.