Kehilah In Rome 1:16-22 OJB

16 For I am not ashamed of the Besuras HaGeulah. It is the ko'ach (power) of Hashem for the Geulah deliverance [IYOV 19:25; YESHAYAH 43:1], to all who have emunah, to the Yehudi (the Jew) above all, but also the Yevani (Greek).

17 For the Tzedek Olamim, the Tzidkat Hashem (the righteousness of G-d) is having its hisgalus (revelation) in the Besuras HaGeulah by emunah (faith) from first to last, from [orthodox Jewish] Faith to [orthodox Jewish] Faith, as it is written, V'TZADDIK BE'EMUNATO YICHE'YEH ("The righteous by his faith shall live" CHABAKUK 2:4; Ga. 3:11; MJ 10:35).

18 For the Charon Af Hashem (the burning anger of G-d Ro 1:18; 2:8; 3:5; 4:15; 5:9; 9:22; 12:19; 13:4) is being revealed from Shomayim. It is being revealed against all without yirat Shomayim and Tzedek, all bnei Adam who wickedly repress HaEmes [of Hashem],

19 All anashim who, even though what is knowable about Hashem lies plainly before their eyes (for G-d has shown them!), they nevertheless cling to their resha and wickedly suppress HaEmes [of Hashem].

20 For his invisible characteristics from the Bri'at HaOlam (the creation of the world) are perceived intellectually in the things which have been created; that is, both his eternal ko'ach and Elohut are discernable. So Bnei Adam have no terutz (excuse) and are inexcusably culpable (before an angry G-d),

21 Because, even though they in actual fact knew G-d, they did not ascribe Him kavod (glory) as G-d or give hodayah (thanksgiving) to Him, but became filled with hevel (futility, vanity, emptiness, worthlessness) in their thinking, and their senseless levavot were darkened.

22 Claiming to be chachamim (wise ones), they became kesilim (fools),