22 Therefore, V'YACHSHEVEH-HA LO TZEDAKAH ("it [his faith in G-d] was accounted, credited to him for righteousness" BERESHIS 15:6).
23 Nor was it written down for his sake alone that "it was reckoned to him,"
24 But also for us, to whom it is to be reckoned, who believe in Him who raised Yehoshua Adoneinu from the mesim (dead ones),
25 Who was handed over for PEYSHA'EINU (our transgressions, YESHAYAH 53:5) and made to stand up in his Techiyas HaMoshiach that we be YITZDAK IM HASHEM (be justified with G-d, that we have our justification, our acquittal, vindication see Ro 5:18).