Kehilah In Rome 4:7-13 OJB

7 "Ashrey (blessed, happy) are those whose lawless deeds have been forgiven, and whose sins have been covered over;

8 ASHREY ADAM LO YAKHSHOV HASHEM LO AVON. Blessed, happy is the one whose sin Hashem will by no means count." (Ps 32:1-2).

9 This me'ushar (blessedness), then, does it come on those of the bris milah (the circumcised) or also on those without the bris milah (the uncircumcised)? For we say, emunah "was counted, reckoned, credited" to Avraham Avinu for TZEDAKAH ("righteousness" BERESHIS 15:6).

10 When then was it "reckoned"? When Avraham Avinu had the bris milah and was in the state of circumcision? Or when Avraham Avinu did not have the bris milah and was in the state of uncircumcision?

11 Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision! And he received the ot (sign or distinguishing mark) of the milah (circumcision) as a chotam (seal) of the Tzidkat HaEmunah (the Righteousness of Faith) which he had in his uncircumcision, in order that he might be father of all who believe through uncircumcision, that to be YITZDAK IM HASHEM might be reckoned, counted to them as well,

12 And in order that he might be Av (Father) to the Nimolim (Circumcised ones), to those who are not only HaNimolim but also who follow in the footsteps of the emunah of Avraham Avinu, which he had in [his] uncircumcision.

13 For the havtachah (promise) to Avraham Avinu and his zera (seed), that he should be Yoresh HaOlam (Heir of the World), did not come through the context of law but through the Tzidkat HaEmunah (the Righteousness of Faith).