1 Therefore, having been acquitted and declared not guilty, declared to be YITZDAK IM HASHEM (IYOV 25:4) on the yesod (basis) of our emunah (faith), we have shalom (peace) in relation to Hashem though Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu,
2 Through whom also we have HaSha'ar laHashem (gate to appoach G-d's presence, access of the Tzaddikim TEHILLIM 118:20) by emunah into this unmerited Chen v'Chesed in which we stand and glory in tikvah of the kavod Eloheinu.
3 Not only so, but we also glory in tzoros (troubles, afflictions), knowing that tzarah (trouble) produces zitzfleisch (patience),
4 Zitzfleisch produces tested character and midos, and tested character and midos produce tikvah.
5 And tikvah does not in the end lead to our being meyayesh (despairing) in disillusionment and bushah (shame) (TEHILLIM 25:3), because the Ahavas Hashem (G-d's love) has been poured out in our levavot through the Ruach Hakodesh given to us.