Kehilah In Thessalonika 1 2:7-13 OJB

7 Even though we had the samchut [authority] to be able to throw our weight around as Shlichim (Emissaries) of Moshiach, yet we became anav (humble) and eidel (gentle) among you, as a nursing imma (mother) might take care of her own yeladim.

8 Thus having a tshuka (yearning) for you, it was our good pleasure to share with you not only the Besuras HaGeulah of Hashem, but also our very lives, because you became beloved chaverim to us.

9 For remember, Achim b'Moshiach, our labor and toil yomam valailah working for the purpose of not weighing down any one of you while we maggidim [for Moshiach] made the Hachrazah (Proclamation, Kerygma) to you of the Besuras HaGeulah of Hashem.

10 You were edim (witnesses) and so is Hashem, with what kedushah and tzedek and tamim manner of shomer masoret we acted toward you ma'aminim b'Moshiach,

11 For you know how we treated you, as an abba treats his own yeladim,

12 Exhorting you with divrei chizzuk and comforting you, addressing you with solemn edut (testimony) that you let your derech (way of life), your hitnahagut (conduct), be to fier zich (comport oneself) in a manner worthy of Hashem, who summons you to His own Malchut and Kavod.

13 And for this reason also we constantly offer hodayah to Hashem that when you received (as "Ani Maamin" authoritative teaching) the Dvar Hashem, the Word of Hachrazah (Proclamation, Kerygma) from us, you received it not as the dvar HaBnei Adam but, as it actually is, the Dvar Hashem, which also is at work in you who have emunah.