Kehilah In Thessalonika 2 2:3-9 OJB

3 Let no one in any way lead you astray, because, unless the Merid (Rebellion, Revolt, the [Anti-Moshiach] Shmad Betrayal Defection of Apostasy, the Azivah Abandonment) Desertion comes rishonah (first), and the Apocalypse of the Ish HaMufkarut (Man of Lawlessness), the Ish HaChatta'ah Ben HaAvaddon (Man of Sin, Son of Destruction Anti-Moshiach) is unveiled.

4 I'm referring to the one setting himself against and exalting himself AL KOL EL (above every G-d, DANIEL 11:36), above all that is given the appellation "G-d" or object of worship, with the result that in the Beis Hamikdash Heikhal he sits down on the MOSHAV ELOHIM (throne of G-d, YECHEZKEL 28:2), proclaiming that he himself is Elohim.

5 Do you not recall that when I was still with you I was telling you these things?

6 Yet you have da'as of what is holding back and restraining [Anti-Moshiach] now, so that he [Anti-Moshiach] may be unveiled and revealed in his own time.

7 For the Sod HaMufkarut (Mystery of Lawlessness) is already working; only he who holds back and restrains just now will do so until he is out of the way.

8 And then the Ish HaMufkarut (the Man of Lawlessness [Anti-Moshiach]) will be revealed, whom HaAdon [Moshiach Yehoshua, Malachi 3:1; Ps 110:1; Dan 7:13-14] will destroy by the RUACH (YESHAYAH 11:4) of His mouth and will wipe out at the appearance of His Bi'as (HaMoshiach, His Parousia, Coming).

9 The Bi'as Anti-Moshiach (Coming, Parousia, of Anti-Moshiach) is according to the working of Hasatan with all false ko'ach (power) and otot (signs) and pseudo moftim (wonders),