27 And the oisher said, I ask you then, Avraham Avinu, that you may send Elazar to the bais of Avi,
28 for I have chamesh achim (five brothers) that he may warn them, lest also they may come to this place of yisurim (torments).
29 But Avraham Avinu says, They have Moshe Rabbeinu and the Neviim. Let them listen to them.
30 But the oisher said, Lo (no), Avraham Avinu, but if someone from the Mesim should go to them, they will make teshuva.
31 But Avraham said to him, If Moshe Rabbeinu and the Neviim they do not listen to, neither if someone should make his Techiyah from the Mesim should they be persuaded.