47 And teshuva for the selicha (forgiveness) of chattaim (sins) is to be preached bShem of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua to all the Nations, beginning from Yerushalayim.
48 You are to be edim (witnesses) of these things.
49 And, hinei, I send the havtachah of Avi to you; but you sit in HaIr (the City) until you may be clothed with oz (power) from on High.
50 And he led them outside as far as Beit-Anyah, and having lifted up his hands, he said a bracha over them.
51 And while he said the bracha over them, he departed from them, being taken up in an aliyah ascent to Shomayim.
52 And they, having reverenced him in worship [DANIEL 7:14; cf. DANIEL 3:18], returned to Yerushalayim with simcha gedolah.
53 And they were continually in the Beis Hamikdash praising Hashem. [T.N. From the "we" sections of Acts (16:10-17, 20:5-21:18; 27:1-28:16), Lukas intimates he had opportunity to obtain independent corroboration of the veracity of what came to be included in the other synoptic Gospels and that Luke had opportunity also to interview living eye-witnesses in the early pre-Churban Bayis Sheni period of his travels to Jerusalem with Rav Sha'ul, making his writings, Luke-Acts, of inestimable historical value to Messianic believers today.]