37 Lemaskana (finally, at last), the Baal Bayit sent to the koremim his Ben, saying, They will respect my Ben.
38 And when the koremim saw the Ben, they said among themselves, This is the Bechor (Firstborn), the Yoresh (Heir). Come, let us kill him and let us take possession of his bechorah (inheritance).
39 And having seized the Ben, they threw the Ben out of the kerem and they killed him.
40 Therefore, when the Baal HaKerem (Owner of the Vineyard) comes, what will he do to those koremim (vine keepers)?
41 They say to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, Those reshaim (evil-doers) the Baal HaKerem will bring to a terrible mavet, and the Kerem the Baal HaKerem will lease to other koremim, who will render unto the Baal HaKerem the PRI BITO (fruit in its season, TEHILLIM 1:3).
42 Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, Have you never heard in the Kitvei Hakodesh (Holy Scriptures), EVEN MAASU HABONIM HAYTAH LEROSH PINAH; MEIES HASHEM HAYTAH ZOT HI NIFLAT BEINEINU (The Stone which the Builders rejected, this one has become Head of the Corner; this came about from the L-rd, and it is marvelous in our eyes, TEHILLIM 118:22-23)?
43 For this reason, I say to you, the Malchut Hashem will be taken from you and it will be given to a people that produces its pri.