Titos 1:2-8 OJB

2 The mekor (basis) of this is a tikvah of Chayyei Olam which Hashem Who cannot speak sheker [BAMIDBAR 24:19; SHMUEL ALEF 15:29] promised before the Yamim HaOlam (days of eternity),

3 But revealed at the proper time Hashem's dvar [Besuras HaGeulah] in the hachrazah (proclamation, kerygma), with which I was entrusted, according to the mitzvat Hashem Moshieynu.

4 To Titos, beni ha'amitti baEmunah (my true son in the faith), the [orthodox Jewish] emunah shared in common. Chen v'Chesed Hashem and Shalom from Elohim HaAv and Moshiach Yehoshua Moshieynu.

5 For this reason I left you in Crete that you should set beseder (according to acceptable order) what remains and give messianic s'michah to Zekenim (SHEMOT 12:21) city by city, as I directed you.

6 If anyone is without reproach, a ba'al isha echat (a one woman man/master, see OJB, p.1078, 1Ti 3:2; 5:9), his banim being ma'aminim in Moshiach, and not under accusation of debauchery and zenut or sorrut (rebelliousness, insubordination) [1Sm 2:22-25],

7 For it is necessary for the congregational Mashgiach Ruchani to be without reproach as Hashem's mefake'ach al Beis Hashem (steward or supervisor of the House of G-d), not a ba'al gaavah (a haughty person), not quick in ka'as (anger), not a shikkor (drunkard) given to much wine, not violent, not a gelt-loving kamtzan (miser).

8 Rather, the Mashgiach Ruchani must be one who practices hachnosas orchim (hospitality), an ohev es haTov (a lover of the good), having seichel, a tzaddik, kadosh (holy), with shlitah atzmi (selfcontrol),