Yehuda 1:7-13 OJB

7 As S'dom and Amora and the cities around them, in a doime (similar) manner to these, indulging in gilui arayot (sexual immorality) against the course of nature and turning aside and going after alien flesh, are set forth to lie in public view as a mofet (example), undergoing the onesh of Eish Olam (Eternal Fire, YESHAYAH 66:24; Mt 25:46; Rv 20:10).

8 Likewise, indeed, these ["certain men," 1:4], these dreamers, on the one hand, pollute the basar (flesh); on the other hand, they do not recognize HaMemshalah (rule) of glorious heavenly beings; instead, they speak lashon hora with Chillul Hashem railing against them.

9 By contrast, Micha'el the Sar HaMalachim (DANIEL 10:13), when he took issue with Hasatan and disputed about the geviyyat Moshe [Rabbeinu] (body of Moses), did not presume to pronounce a slanderous judgment [against Hasatan], but said, "Hashem rebuke you!"

10 But, on the one hand, these [men] slander whatever they do not understand; on the other hand, what they do have binah of instinctively, like unreasoning animals, by these things they are destroyed.

11 Oy to them! Because they walked in the Derech Kayin (BERESHIS 4:3-8) and to the Toyus Balaam (Error of Balaam, BAMIDBAR 31:16) they surrendered for revach (gain), and in the mered (rebellion) of Korach against HaMemshalah (BAMIDBAR 16:1-35) they were destroyed!

12 These [men] are hidden reefs [moored at] your seudas (agape-feasts), feasting with you without yires-hakoved, shepherding themselves, waterless clouds being carried away by winds, autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, torn up from their shorashim (roots),

13 Wild waves of the sea, foaming up their ma'asim hara'im (evil deeds), wandering kokhavim (stars) for whom the shvartz gloom of choshech has been reserved oif eibik (forever).