Yochanan 1 2:14-20 OJB

14 I wrote to you, yeladim, because you have had da'as of HaAv; I wrote to you, avot, because you have had da'as of the One Bereshis. I wrote to you, yunge Leit (young people), because you are chazakim (strong ones) and the Dvar Hashem makes His maon in you and you have conquered the evil one.

15 Do not have ahavah for the Olam Hazeh, neither the things in the Olam Hazeh. If anyone has ahavah for the Olam Hazeh, the Ahavas [Elohim] HaAv is not in him.

16 For all that is in the Olam Hazeh, the ta'avah (lust) of the basar and the ta'avah of the eyes and the gaa'vah (pride) in the chashuve (prominence) of what one has in this life, one's vital possessions, all this is not of HaAv but is of the Olam Hazeh. [BERESHIS 3:6; MISHLE 27:20]

17 And the Olam Hazeh is making its histalkus (passing away) and the ta'avah (lust) of it, but the one doing the ratzon Hashem has his maon lanetzakh (permanent dwelling place to remain for ever).

18 Yeladim, it is the sha'ah ha'achronah (the last hour, time), and as you heard that Anti-Moshiach is coming, even now many Anti-Moshiachs [nevi'ei sheker, 4:1] have come, from which we have da'as that it is the sha'ah ha'achronah.

19 They went out and departed from us, but they were not of us; for if they were of us, they would have abided with us; but they went out that it may be niglah (be revealed) that none of them belongs to us. [Yn 6:70; 13:30]

20 And you have a [Ruach Hakodesh] mishcha (anointing) from HaKadosh and you have da'as of all. [YIRMEYAH 31:34]