41 I do not accept kavod (glory) from Bnei Adam.
42 But I have had da'as of you, that the ahavas Hashem (the love of G-d) you do not have in yourselves.
43 I have come b'Shem Avi and you do not accept me. If another comes in his own name, him you will accept.
44 How are you able to have emunah, when you receive kavod from one another, and the kavod from the only Elohim HaEchad you do not seek? [MELACHIM BAIS 19:15,19; YESHAYAH 37:20; DANIEL 3:45 TARGUM HASHIVIM]
45 Do not think that I will accuse you before HaAv; however, there is one accusing you: Moshe, in whom you have set your tikvah. [Dt 31:26-27]
46 For if you were having emunah in Moshe, you would have had emunah in me, for he himself wrote concerning me. [BERESHIS 3:15; 45:4-9; DEVARIM 18:15]
47 But if in the Kitvei Hakodesh of that one you lack emunah, how will you have emunah in my dvar?