7 He shall not make himself tameh for his av, or for his em, for his ach, or for his achot, when they die; because the Nezer Elohav (Consecration of his G-d) is upon his head.
8 Kol yemei of his nazir (separation) he is kadosh unto Hashem.
9 And if any man die very suddenly by him, and he hath made tameh the head of his nezer (consecration); then he shall shave his head in the yom of his tohorat, on the yom hashevi'i shall he shave it.
10 And on the yom hashemi'ni he shall bring two doves, or two young pigeons, to the kohen, to the entrance of the Ohel Mo'ed;
11 And the kohen shall offer the one for a chattat (sin offering), and the other for an olah (burnt offering), and make kapporah for him, because he sinned by the nefesh (dead body), and shall make kadosh his head that same day.
12 And he shall consecrate unto Hashem the yemei of his nazir, and shall bring a lamb of the first year for an asham (trespass offering); but the yamim harishonim shall not be counted, because his nazir was tameh.
13 And this is the Torat HaNazir, when the yamim of his nazir are fulfilled: he shall be brought unto the entrance of the Ohel Mo'ed;