16 Whose achayot (sisters) were Tzeruyah, and Avigal. And the Bnei Tzeruyah: Avishai, and Yoav, and Asahel, three.
17 And Avigal bore Amasa, and avi Amasa was Yeter the Yishme'eli.
18 And Kalev Ben Chetzron fathered by Azuvah his isha, and by Yeriot; her banim are these; Yesher, and Shovav, and Ardon.
19 And when Azuvah was dead, Kalev took [as isha] unto him Ephrat, which bore him Chur.
20 And Chur fathered Uri, and Uri fathered Betzale'el.
21 And afterward Chetzron went in to the Bat Machir avi Gil'ad, whom he married when his age was threescore shanim; and she bore him Seguv.
22 And Seguv fathered Yair, who had three and twenty towns in Eretz Gil'ad.