8 But the Devar Hashem came to me, saying, Thou hast done much shefach dahm, and hast made milchamot gedolot. Thou shalt not build Bayit (House) unto Shemi (My Name), because thou hast done much shefach dahm upon ha'aretz in My sight.
9 Hinei, Ben shall be born to thee, who shall be an ish menuchah (man of rest); and I will give him rest from all his oyevim all around; for shmo shall be Sh'lomo, and I will grant shalom and sheket (quiet) unto Yisroel in his yamim (days).
10 He shall build Bayit (House) for Shmi (My Name); and he shall be to Me as Ben and I will be to him as Av (Father); and I will establish the kisse of his Malchut over Yisroel ad olam.
11 Now, beni (my son), Hashem be with thee; and prosper thou, to succeed building the Beis Hashem Eloheicha, just as He hath said about thee.
12 Only Hashem give thee seichel and binah, so that when He give you command over Yisroel, that thou mayest be shomer over the torat Hashem Eloheicha.
13 Then shalt thou prosper, if thou art shomer to observe the chukkim and mishpatim which Hashem charged Moshe with concerning Yisroel. Chazak (be strong)! And be of good courage! Dread nothing in fear, nor be dismayed.
14 Now, hinei, in my oni (poor strivings) I have prepared for the Beis Hashem a hundred elef talents of zahav, and an elef alafim talents of kesef; and of nechoshet and barzel (iron) an unweighable abundance; timber also and even (stone) have I provided; and thou mayest add thereto.