14 Now concerning Moshe the Ish HaElohim, his banim were reckoned of the Shevet Levi.
15 The Bnei Moshe were Gershom, and Eliezer.
16 Of the Bnei Gershom, Shevuel was the rosh.
17 And the Bnei Eliezer were Rechavyah the rosh. And Eliezer had no banim acharim; but the Bnei Rechavyah were very many.
18 Of the Bnei Yitzhar: Shlomit the rosh.
19 Of the Bnei Chevron: Yeriyahu the first, Amaryah the seond, Yachziel the third, and Yekam'am the fourth.
20 Of the Bnei Uzziel: Michah the first and Yishiyah the second.