Divrey Hayamim Bais 2:2-8 OJB

2 (2:1) And Sh'lomo conscripted threescore and ten thousand ish to bear burdens, and fourscore thousand ish as stonecutters in the hill country, and three thousand and six hundred to be their foremen to oversee them.

3 (2:2) And Sh'lomo sent to Churam Melech Tzor, saying, As thou didst deal with Dovid Avi, and didst send him cedars to build him a Bais (palace) to dwell therein, even so deal with me.

4 (2:3) Hinei, I build a Bais for the Shem of Hashem Elohai, to set it apart as kodesh and to dedicate it to Him, and to burn before Him ketoret sammim (fragrant incense), and for the ma'arekhet tamid (regular offering of the rows of bread), and for the olot boker and erev, on the Shabbatot, and on every Rosh-Chodesh, and on the Mo'adei Hashem Eloheinu. This is for l'olam (forever) to Yisroel.

5 (2:4) And HaBeis which I build is gadol, for gadol is Eloheinu above kol HaElohim (all the g-ds).

6 (2:5) But who has the ko'ach to build Him a Bais, seeing the Shomayim and Shomayim of Shomayim cannot contain Him? Who am I then, that I should build Him a Bais, except to burn sacrifices before Him?

7 (2:6) Send me now therefore an ish chacham in zahav, and in kesef, and in nechoshet, and in barzel, and in purple, and in crimson, and in blue wool, and that has skill in the art of engraving to work with my chachamim in Yehudah and in Yerushalayim whom Dovid Avi did provide.

8 (2:7) Send me also cedar, pine, and algum logs, from the Levanon, for I know that thy avadim have skill to cut timber in the Levanon; and, hinei, my avadim shall be with thy avadim,