Divrey Hayamim Bais 23:8-14 OJB

8 So the Levi'im and all Yehudah did according to all things that Yehoyada HaKohen had commanded, and took every ish his men that were to go on duty on Shabbos, with them that were to go off duty on Shabbos; for Yehoyada HaKohen dismissed not the machlekot.

9 Moreover Yehoyada HaKohen delivered to the commanders of hundreds spears, and large shields, and small shields, that had belonged to Dovid HaMelech, which were in the Beis Elohim.

10 And he stationed kol haAm, every ish having his weapon in his yad, from the right side of the Beis to the left side of the Beis, near the Mizbe'ach and Beis , and around HaMelech.

11 Then they brought out the Ben HaMelech, and put upon him the nezer, and gave him the Edut, and proclaimed him Melech. And Yehoyada and his banim anointed him, and shouted, Yechi HaMelech!

12 Now when Atalyah heard the noise of HaAm running and cheering HaMelech, she came to HaAm into the Beis Hashem,

13 And she looked, and, hinei, HaMelech stood at his ammud at the entrance, and the sarim and the chatzotzerot (trumpeters) beside HaMelech; and Kol HaAm HaAretz same'ach (rejoiced), and sounded the chatzotzerot, also the meshorarim with instruments of music, and the praise leaders. Then Atalyah tore her robe, shouted, Kesher, Kesher!

14 Then Yehoyada HaKohen brought out the commanders of hundreds that were set over the army, and said unto them, Bring her out between the sederot (ranks); and whosoever followeth her, let him be put to death with the cherev. For the Kohen said, Do not put her to death in the Beis Hashem.