Divrey Hayamim Bais 31:10-16 OJB

10 And Azaryahu HaKohen HaRosh of the Bais Tzadok answered him, and said, Since the people began to bring the terumah into the Beis Hashem, we have had enough to eat, and have plenty to spare, for Hashem hath blessed His people; and that which is notar (left over) is this great amount.

11 Then Chizkiyahu commanded to prepare leshakhot (storerooms) in the Beis Hashem; and they prepared them,

12 And brought in the terumah and the ma'aser and the kadashim be'emunah (faithfully), over which Conanyah the Levi was Nagid, and Shimei his brother was mishneh (second).

13 And Yechiel, and Azazyahu, and Nachat, and Asahel, and Yerimot, and Yozavad, and Eliel, and Yismachyah, and Machat, and Benayahu, were pekidim (overseers) under the yad Conanyah and Shimei his brother, by the command of Chizkiyahu HaMelech, and Azaryahu the nagid of the Beis HaElohim.

14 And Kore ben Imnah the Levi, the sho'er (gatekeeper) at the east, was over the nidvot HaElohim (freewill offerings of G-d), to distribute the terumat Hashem, and the kadshei hakadashim.

15 And next to him be'emunah were Eden, and Minyamin, and Yeshua, and Shemayahu, Amaryahu, and Shechanyahu, in the towns of the Kohanim, to give to their achim by machlekot, to the gadol as well as the katan.

16 This was besides those males who were recorded in the genealogical records, from three years old and upward, even unto every one that entereth into the Beis Hashem for its daily duty for their avodas service in their mishmerot (watches, shifts) according to their machlekot,