22 Hast thou entered into the otzrot (storehouses) of the snow? Or hast thou seen the otzrot of barad (hail),
23 Which I have reserved for the time of tzar, for the yom kerav (battle) and milchamah (war)?
24 Which is the derech where the ohr is distributed, where is scattered the east wind upon eretz?
25 Who hath cut a channel for the overflowing of waters, or a derech for the lightning of thunder,
26 To cause it to rain on eretz, where lo ish is; on midbar, wherein there is lo adam;
27 To saturate a desolate and waste ground; and to cause the bud of the desheh to spring forth?
28 Hath the rain an av? Or who hath begotten the drops of tal (dew)?