18 And she said unto Eliyahu, Mah li valach (what have I to do with thee), Ish HaElohim? Art thou come unto me to remind me of my avon, and to slay beni?
19 And he said unto her, Give me thy ben. And he took him out of her kheyk, and carried him up into the aliyyah (upper room), where he abode, and laid him upon his own mittah (bed).
20 And he cried out unto Hashem, and said, Hashem Elohai, hast thou even brought evil upon the almanah with whom I sojourn, by slaying her ben?
21 And he stretched himself upon the yeled shalosh p'amim, and cried out unto Hashem, and said, Hashem Elohai, let this yeled's nefesh return to him again.
22 And Hashem heard the voice of Eliyahu; and the nefesh of the yeled returned to him again, and he came alive.
23 And Eliyahu took the yeled, and brought him down out of the aliyyah into the bais, and delivered him unto his em; and Eliyahu said, Look! Thy ben liveth.
24 And the isha said to Eliyahu, Now by this I have da'as that thou art an Ish Elohim, and that the Devar Hashem in thy mouth is emes.