9 The Ben Deker, in Makatz, and in Sha'alvim, and Beit Shemesh, and Elon Beit Chanan;
10 Ben Chesed, in Arubot; to him pertained Sochoh, and kol Eretz Chepher;
11 Ben Avinadav, in kol Naphat Dor; which had Taphat Bat Sh'lomo as his isha;
12 Ba'ana Ben Achilud; Ta'nach and Megiddo, and kol Beit She'an, which is near Zartanah below Yizre'el (Jezreel), from Beit She'an to Avel Mecholah, even unto beyond Yokme'am;
13 Ben Gever, in Ramot Gil`ad; to him pertained the towns of Yair Ben Menasheh, which are in Gil`ad; to him also pertained the region of Argov, which is in Bashan, threescore arim gedolim with chomah and gate bars of nechoshet;
14 Achinadav Ben Iddo had Machanayim;
15 Achima'atz was in Naphtali; he also took Ba'smat Bat Sh'lomo as his isha;