8 And Chizkiyahu (Hezekiah) said unto Yeshayah, What shall be the Ot (Sign) that Hashem will heal me, and that I shall go up into the Beis Hashem on the Yom HaShelishi?
9 And Yeshayah said, This Ot (Sign) shalt thou have from Hashem, that Hashem will do the thing that He hath spoken: shall the tzel (shadow) go forward eser ma'alot (ten steps), or go backward eser ma'alot?
10 And Chizkiyahu (Hezekiah) answered, It is a simple matter for the tzel to go forward eser ma'alot; no, but let the tzel return backward eser ma'alot.
11 And Yeshayah HaNavi cried out unto Hashem; and He brought the tzel (shadow) eser ma'alot backward, by which it had gone on the ma'alot Achaz (sundial of Ahaz).
12 At that time Berodach Baladan Ben Baladan Melech Bavel sent sefarim and a minchah unto Chizkiyahu (Hezekiah); for he had heard that Chizkiyahu had been ill.
13 And Chizkiyahu (Hezekiah) paid heed unto them, and showed them kol Bais Nekhotoh (Treasure House), the kesef, and the zahav, and the spices, and the shemen hatov, and all the Bais Keli of his, and all that was found in his otzerot; there was nothing in his Bais (palace), nor in all his memshalet, that Chizkiyahu showed them not.
14 Then came Yeshayah HaNavi unto HaMelech Chizkiyahu, and said unto him, What said these anashim? And from whence came they unto thee? And Chizkiyah said, They are come from an eretz rekhokah (a far country), even from Babylon.