13 Love not sheynah (sleep), lest thou come to poverty; open thine eynayim, and thou shalt have enough lechem.
14 It is good for nothing, it is naught, saith the koneh (buyer), but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth.
15 There is zahav, and a multitude of rubies, but the sfatayim (lips) of da'as are a precious jewel.
16 Take his garment that is guaranty for a zar (stranger), and hold it as his pledge for a nokhriyah (foreign woman, strange woman, seductress).
17 Lechem from sheker (deceit) is sweet to an ish, but afterwards his peh (mouth) shall be filled with gravel.
18 Every plan is established by etzah, and with tachbulot (guidance) wage milchamah.
19 He that goeth about as a rakhil (gossip, slanderer, talebearer) revealeth secrets; therefore associate not with the babbler.