20 There is otzar to be desired and shemen in the naveh (dwelling) of the chacham; but a kesil adam squanders it.
21 He that pursueth tzedakah and chesed findeth chayyim, tzedakah, and kavod.
22 A chacham scaleth the city of the gibborim (mighty ones), and casteth down the trusted stronghold thereof.
23 He who is shomer over his peh (mouth) and his lashon (tongue) is shomer over his nefesh from tzoros.
24 Proud and haughty scoffer is shmo, who acteth in superfluity of zadon (pride).
25 The ta'avah (desire, craving) of the atzel (sluggard, lazy one) killeth him, for his yadayim refuse to work.
26 He craveth greedily kol hayom, but the tzaddik giveth and spareth not.