2 Yehonatan reported [this] to Dovid, saying, Sha'ul aviv seeketh to kill thee; now therefore be shomer in the boker, and abide baseter (in a secret place) and hide thyself;
3 And I will go out and stand beside avi in the sadeh where thou art, and I will speak of thee with avi; and what I see, that I will tell thee.
4 And Yehonatan spoke tov of Dovid unto Sha'ul aviv, and said unto him, Let not HaMelech commit chet against his eved, against Dovid; because he hath not committed chet against thee, and because his ma'asim have been toward thee tov me'od:
5 For he did put his nefesh in his yad, and slaughtered the Pelishti (Philistine), and Hashem wrought Teshuah Gedolah for kol Yisroel; thou sawest it, and didst rejoice with simcha. Why then wilt thou commit chet against dahm naki (innocent blood), to slay Dovid chinom (without cause)?
6 And Sha'ul paid heed unto the voice of Yehonatan; and Sha'ul swore a shevuah, As Hashem liveth, he shall not be slain.
7 And Yehonatan called Dovid, and Yehonatan reported to him all these devarim. And Yehonatan brought Dovid to Sha'ul, and he was in his presence, as in times past.
8 And there was milchamah again; and Dovid went out, and fought with the Pelishtim (Philistines), and slaughtered them with a makkah gedolah (with a great blow); and they fled from him.