5 (6) And Dovid answered the Kohen, and said unto him, Indeed isha have been kept from us yesterday and the day before, since I set out, and the vessels of the ne'arim (young men) are kodesh, and if this is a derech chol (ordinary mission) indeed it will remain kodesh today in their vesels.
6 (7) So the Kohen gave him kodesh; for there was no lechem there but the Lechem HaPanim, that was taken from before Hashem, to be replaced with lechem cham on the day when it was taken away.
7 (8) Now a certain ish of the avadim of Sha'ul was there that day, detained before Hashem; shmo Do'eg, the Edomi, the chief of the ro'im that belonged to Sha'ul.
8 (9) And Dovid said unto Achimelech, And is there not here under thine yad khanit or cherev? For I have neither brought my cherev nor my weapons with me, because the devar HaMelech (matter of the King) required haste.
9 (10) And the Kohen said, The cherev of Golyat (Goliath) the Pelishti, whom thou slewest in the Emek Elah, hinei, it is here wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod; if thou wilt take that, take it; for there is no other except that here. And Dovid said, There is none like that; give it me.
10 (11) And Dovid arose and fled that day from before Sha'ul, and went to Achish Melech Gat.
11 (12) And the avadim of Achish said unto him, Is not this Dovid Melech HaAretz? Did they not sing one to another of him in dances, saying, Sha'ul hath slain his thousands, and Dovid his myriads?