Shmuel Alef 29:2-8 OJB

2 And the rulers of the Pelishtim (Philistines) were passing by with me'ot, and with alafim; but Dovid and his anashim were passing at the rearguard with Achish.

3 Then said the sarim of the Pelishtim, What are these Ivrim doing here? And Achish said unto the sarim of the Pelishtim, Is not this Dovid, the eved of Sha'ul Melech Yisroel, which hath been with me these yamim, or these shanim, and unto this day I have found no fault in him since he defected?

4 And the sarim of the Pelishtim were angry with him; and the sarim of the Pelishtim said unto him, Send the ish back, that he may turn again to his makom (place, home) which thou hast assigned him, and let him not go down with us to milchamah, lest in the milchamah he be as satan (adversary, antagonist) to us; for wherewith should he make himself acceptable unto his adon? Is it not with the heads of these anashim?

5 Is not this Dovid, of whom they sang one to another in mecholot (dances), saying, Sha'ul slaughtered his alafim, and Dovid his revavot (myriads)?

6 Then Achish called Dovid, and said unto him, Surely, as Hashem liveth, thou hast been yashar (upright), and thy going out and thy coming in with me in the machaneh is tov in my sight; for I have not found ra'ah in thee since the day of thy coming unto me until this day; nevertheless, in the eyes of the rulers thou art not tov.

7 Wherefore now shuv (turn, turn back), and go in shalom, that thou displease not the rulers of the Pelishtim.

8 And Dovid said unto Achish, But what have I done? And what hast thou found in thy eved from the day that I am before thee until this day, that I may not go fight against the oyevei adoni HaMelech?