Yeshayah 54:1-7 OJB

1 Sing, O akarah (barren woman [i.e., Yerushalayim emptied out by the Golus that Isaiah sees coming]), thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and shout for joy, thou that didst not travail with child; for rabbim bnei shome'mah (more are the children of the desolate woman [i.e. referring to those of Jerusalem making aliyah from the Golus so that Moshiach's Kehilah can come forth at Jerusalem-Ac 2:41]) than the bnei be'ulah (children of the married woman; i.e., Jerusalem as the Sarah at first barren then greatly fruitful; see Gn17:16), saith Hashem [see Ga.4:27 OJBC].

2 Enlarge the makom (place, living area) of thy ohel, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine mishkenot (tents); spare not, lengthen thy cords, and thy stakes make chizzuk (stronger);

3 For thou shalt spread out on the yamin (right hand) and on the smol (left); and thy zera shall inherit the Goyim, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.

4 Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed; neither be thou discouraged; for thou shalt not suffer disgrace; for thou shalt forget the boshet alumayich (the shame of thy youth), and shalt not remember any more thy cherpat almenut (reproach of widowhood).

5 For thy Oseh (Maker) is thine ba'al (husband); Hashem Tzva'os Shmo; and thy Go'el is Kadosh Yisroel; The Elohei Kol HaAretz He is called.

6 For Hashem hath called thee back, thou who art like an isha forsaken and atzuvat ruach (grieved in spirit) as a cast off eshet ne'urim (wife of one's youth), saith thy G-d.

7 For a rega katon (small moment) have I abandoned thee; but with rachamim gedolim will I gather thee back.