Yeshayah 59:3-9 OJB

3 For your hands are defiled and polluted with dahm, and your fingers with avon (iniquity); your lips have spoken sheker, your leshon (tongue) hath muttered avlah (perverseness, wickedness, iniquity, lashon hora).

4 None calleth [unto Hashem] b'tzedek (in righteousness), nor any pleadeth b'emunah (in faithfulness, in truth); they trust in tohu [nothingness, Gn 1:2], and speak shav (vanity); they conceive amal (trouble), and give birth to aven (wickedness).

5 They hatch the beytzim (eggs) of the tzifoni (viper, poisonous snake), and weave the webs of the akavish (spider); he that eateth of their beytzim (eggs) dieth, and of that which is cracked open, an efeh (kind of poisonous snake) is hatched.

6 Their webs shall not become beged (garments), neither shall they cover themselves with their ma'asim; their ma'asim are ma'asei aven (works of wickedness), and the po'al chamas (act of violence) is in their hands.

7 Their raglayim (feet) run to rah, and they make haste for shefach dahm naki (blood shed of the innocent); their machsh'vot (thoughts) are machsh'vot of aven (wickedness); shod (desolation) and shever (destruction) are on their highways.

8 Of the Derech Shalom they have no da'as; and there is no mishpat (justice) in their circuits; they have made themselves crooked roads; whosoever walketh thereon shall not know shalom.

9 Therefore is mishpat (justice) far from us, neither doth tzedakah overtake us; we wait for ohr, but, hinei, choshech; for negohot (brightness), but we walk in gloom.