Yirmeyah 16:3-9 OJB

3 For thus saith Hashem concerning the banim and concerning the banot that are born in makom hazeh, and concerning their immahot (mothers) that bore them, and concerning their avot that fathered them in ha'aretz hazot (this land);

4 The mot (death) they die will be of deadly diseases; they shall not be mourned; neither shall they be buried; but they shall be as refuse upon the face of ha'adamah; and they shall be consumed by the cherev, and by ra'av (famine); and their nevelot (dead bodies) shall be food for the oph haShomayim, and for the behemat ha'aretz.

5 For thus saith Hashem, Enter not into the bais marzeach (house of mourning), neither go to lament nor mourn them; for I have withdrawn away My shalom from HaAm Hazeh, saith Hashem, even chesed and rachamim.

6 Both the gedolim and the ketanim shall die in ha'aretz hazot; they shall not be buried, neither shall men mourn for them, nor make [pagan] cuttings on themselves, nor make themselves [like pagan mourners] bald for them [See Dt 14:1]:

7 Neither shall men break bread for them in mourning, to comfort them for the dead; neither shall men give them the kos tanechumim (cup of consolation) to drink for their av or for their em.

8 Thou shalt not go into the bais mishteh (house of feasting), to sit with them to eat and to drink.

9 For thus saith Hashem Tzva'os Elohei Yisroel: Behold, I will cause to cease out of hamakom hazeh before your eyes, and in your days, the voice of sasson, and the voice of simcha, the voice of the choson, and the voice of the kallah.