Yirmeyah 8:7-13 OJB

7 Yea, the stork in the Shomayim knoweth her mo'adim (appointed times); and the turtledove and the swift and the crane are shomer over their time for migration; but Ami (My People) have no da'as (knowledge) of the Mishpat Hashem (rule, ordinance, regulation, law of Hashem).

8 How can ye say, We are chachamim (wise ones), and the torat Hashem is with us, when, hinei, the et sheker (deceiving pen) of the sofrim (scribes) has made it [the torat Hashem] into sheker (a falsehood, i.e., falsely authoritative scribal interpretation has twisted Scripture, perverting its truth; see also Jer 2:8; 2K3:16; here is a warning against false teachers, and it is important because the scribal group in Israel would become the rabbinic group in time to come, and here their doctrines are coming into direct opposition to the Torah and the inerrant prophecies of Jeremiah.).

9 The chachamim (wise men) are ashamed, they are dismayed and trapped; they have rejected the Devar Hashem; so what chochmah (wisdom) is in them?

10 Therefore will I give their nashim unto others, and their sadot to them that shall inherit them; for every one from the katan even unto the gadol is greedy for unjust gain, from the navi even unto the kohen every one doeth sheker.

11 For they give superficial treatment to the hurt of Bat Ami, saying, Shalom, shalom; v'ein shalom.

12 Were they ashamed when they did to'evah (abomination)? No, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they know to blush; therefore shall they fall among them that fall; in the time of their pekuddat (visitation [for punishment], time of reckoning) they shall be brought down, saith Hashem.

13 I would surely have harvested them, saith Hashem, but no grapes are on the gefen, nor te'enim (figs) on the te'enah (fig tree), even the leaf shall wither; and the things that I have given them shall pass away from them.